Monday, April 14, 2014

The Power of now.

I honestly believe food is an addiction for many of us....

It is DO OVER Monday in my fitness world and on my fitness page.

Whatever happened yesterday is DONE! OVER!! What you CAN CHANGE is now, today. You can exercise TODAY. You CAN eat well can do those things RIGHT NOW.

One of the ways I conquered bad eating and bad habits was with focusing on the moment. NOT in 30 minutes time, or tomorrow or dinner, but RIGHT NOW. It was a conversation with a friend who has about 20 years sobriety in AA, that I learned the power of NOW. I was asking him how he managed to not drink because certain cheese salty foods were like an addition to me. No matter what I did, I couldnt stop when faced with them. Every night I would go to bed thinking,
"tomorrow I will do better" and every day I would have something that tempted me and give in.

After talking to my friend he said, you cant think TOMORROW you focus on right now, just this minute and you say "JUST NOT NOW", until the moment passes. You dont focus on forever and how hard that might be, you just take care of the moments and tell yourself JUST NOT NOW.

So I "just not now'd" my way from flabby and unhealthy to where I am today. I still have moments where I look at those foods, but I have an easy set of food rules I live by, because I WANT to, so I just remind myself that isnt who i am anymore and I dont want to put that crap in my body.

YOU CAN DO THIS!! Try "Just not now" today and see how it works for you. 

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