Friday, April 11, 2014

I am better without television
Today is Day 4 of the 21 Day Fix.  I decided I needed to blog more consistantly, so I will try to keep it interesting for those of you who stumble upon it!

Days 1- 3 have been easy with food, but I ate a very clean, veggie laden diet before - what vegan doesnt?!  The exercise has taken me by surprise though.  I just finished P90X3 and I am in good shape.  I have great stamina and strength, and days 1-3 of the Fix have had my muscles SCREAMING!  Not too badly during, but the next TWO days....wowsers!!  I am not accustomed to wanting to say rude words every time I ease myself on the the loo.....and off 
Let me just add that you NEVER EVER want to look for a FUN "ouch" icon on google by just typing the word "OUCH" without the word "ICON" after it - GASP those were some horrible images .....
covers eyes

Now, where was I?  Oh yes, my screaming thighs.  Dont get me wrong, I HAVE been that sore before - but usually it is after taking a break for a week or so.  NOT after just coming off of a hard workout program.  So I am VERY impressed at how the 21Day Fix is working me over - oh I mean giving me a good work out.  The good news is at the end of day 4 nothing hurts ( right now), so I am adjusting, gaing strength, and alrady have lost half an inch off my waist!

The other thing I noticed this week - which may actually be of some use to you - is that no matter how many times I THINK I can go back to snacking just a little in front of the TV in the evening; it is ALWAYS a lie.  Most of the time the worst thing I ever eat is popcorn with nutritional yeast, or 3 ingredient, plain potato chips.  I know, I know - life on the edge eh?!  You have heard people say it is a bad idea because it is mindless eating, and it makes a brain association of TV and food - all of which are true.  In the past, I have stopped all TV eating and after a few weeks thought,
"ok just on occasion is fine".  EEEEEEEEEEEEEEH.  NOPE.  I have a problem a little always gives in to A LOT and it always ends badly for my progress.

So I have committed to not watching TV in the evening at all (I stil DVR my fave shows) and allow myself one show at lunch time while I eat my lunch.  No this doesnt break the magic of TV eating - which is another step I WILL conquor - but it is a step in the right direction.

Sometimes tricking the brain into thinking it is getting what it wants - when really it is just part of the regular day is good enough :)

Any way you can get there that brings progress is OK by me :)  If I can help you out, dont hesitate to message me :)

Oh and if you have no clue what The 21 Day Fix is - have a look here.  You could be having this much fun too! :P


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