Monday, October 20, 2014

A Case of the Mondays

So many Monday mornings people trying to get healthier, or thinner, or stronger, look back on their weekends and shudder.

Cue regret.  Cue self hate.  Cue a slew of things that wont help you at all.

Monday is THE day of the week most people PROMISE THEMSELVES they better, restart, rebuild, make a change....just do something.

I am here to tell you, YOU CAN.  You just need a coupe of things to be successful...

1. A plan ( if you need help putting one together, message me, I am happy to help)
2. A goal NOT related to size or weight.
3. Support and accountability on the way.

I don't like the phrase "it is never too late" because honestly, if you don't take your health seriously there WILL come a point where it IS too late.  Not death, just being so badly damaged that you are trapped in a body that cant move and is a prison, and will drag you painfully to your demise.  ( so cheerful this morning...NOT!! )  Sometimes, some things happen with no warning and your body cant recover from them.  If you are NOT in that position as you read this, then you CAN start doing something.  Stop waiting, stop hoping you will slip through unscathed, and do something to help your body.  There are no guarantees, you could do all the right things and still have something in your body fail.  You will still die at some point.  We aren't avoiding death, we are just hoping to change the quality of the ride before we get there.  :)

YOU CONTROL NOW.  :)  So grab a friend or two who need to get working on this, and use this MONDAY!!

If you need help, message me here

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