Ok so this whole food thing I encourage you to do every Wednesday. I know getting your food consistently good is hard. For me it was the last piece of the puzzle to fall in to place. I had been exercising for 3 years with health gains and losing inches, but my weight really hadnt changed more than about 10lbs. It wasnt until I mastered food that I got to a healthy weight for me.
Here is the encouragement, WHEN YOU REALLY master it, it will no longer be hard all the time. I loved junk food and chocolate and everything you love as much, maybe even MORE than you and I was 50lbs over weight.
So how do you do it?
The first thing you have to do is get your head around it. You HAVE ( cant emphasize enough how this is the BIGGEST thing) to have a reason for doing what you do ( eating and moving) that is NOT related to your size or weight. I know I hear you
"So why else would I do that? I dont want to give up a thing, but I dont like how I look - that is the ONLY reason i exercise and try".
I know I used to think that way. The fact is you HAVE to realize the deeper impact food has you your body, length and quality of life. You have to be motivated to SAVE your life. This isnt just the chronically obese, this is EVERYONE. If you dont take care of your body with food and exercise by the time you are 50 ( assuming you live that long...I kid you not) your body will be so broken and run down you cant do anything you want.
That sort of thing happens to someone else right? Think of how many people you drove or rode past in the past 24 hours. To them YOU ARE SOMEONE ELSE.
I am not sure how old you are, but I was 35 when I started having health issues, knee pain, joint issues, low energy. By 40 I had a weird pain in my side from time to time and re-flux, and I found out my liver was failing. I was lucky almost no one gets pain from it - it is a silent killer.
I was pretty active until I was about 30. I was a good weight until I was about 33 - maybe 10 -15lbs over weight. My health went into the trash in about 8 years. I was lucky, my youth carried me through with a good metabolism until then. But as soon as that changed, my health deteriorated in 8 years. EIGHT YEARS!
FIND a reason NOT linked to your size and weight to motivate you to start. Your health, longer life with your kids, to see Grandkids, to do your bucket list....you ONLY get one body, you ONLY go around ONCE. Dont you want to see and do as much as you possibly can in that one ride?
From there, you find a way to eat that you LIKE. You dont have to love it, you just have to think,
"ok. I could do this except for special occasions".
From there, you live it. You remember that you want to LIVE BETTER more than you want that 2 second taste.
Here is more encouragement - commit to it for a year. REALLY commit. I promise you by the time the year is up you wont see food the way you do now. You WONT think "oh I couldn't never go without X food" You WONT feel like you do now about stopping eating certain things you now basically use as a drug.
The biggest thing I want you to take away from this is....EVERYTHING you think you cant live without and cant give up - YOU CAN and given time you WONT CARE. How you see food and how you eat will change. It isnt a life time of feeling sad about not eating X food every week. THAT is why people dont like changing what they eat - and I get it, I was there it was why I didnt get the eating thing down til I was 43. But if I can YOU CAN. You ONLY feel that way when you start. I fyou have a LONG RANGE GOAL and you see the bigger picture, the foods you choose to avoid wont bother you in a few weeks.
:) Start, keep going, NEVER GIVE UP!! :)